SADARS has recommenced training candidates interested in taking the Foundation and Intermediate Licence Exams.
Getting started: the Foundation licence
To begin transmitting on amateur radio you need to pass a simple multiple-choice test called the Foundation exam.
Contact us to apply for and take your Foundation exam, plus information about fees and training. The club has registered trainers and assessors.
An on-line training course for the Foundation licence exam will be available for new candidates from early September 2023. The course will be run by Bryan (G8DKK) via Zoom conference software. Please contact the club for joining details.
Already an amateur?
Why not step up to a higher power licence?
Stevenage and District ARS trainers and assessors can help you with the next step: the Intermediate Licence. You will need to have passed the Foundation exam to take the Intermediate exam.
During Autumn/Winter 2023/2024 on-line training courses for the Foundation/Intermediate exam will be available. Please contact the club for details.
(In due course we hope to offer Advanced Exam training.)